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Per the FEMA Emergency Manager Site

This is all quoted material from the FEMA Emergency Manager's Page for Tuesday, July 27. I'm not linking to it because one has to navigate to find it. If you really think I'm making this up, drop me an email, and I'll give you instructions.

DNC Activities

FEMA Headquarters and Region I continue to monitor events associated with the DNC. FEMA has staged emergency teams and resources within the vicinity of the Fleet Center and other locations to provide immediate support to State and local officials if needed. Operations Centers at Headquarters and the Region will be operational 24/7 during this event.

During the first day of the convention, several minor incidents occurred, including the unexpected arrival of a large yacht in Boston Harbor. The passengers and crew of the yacht are being held for questioning. Immediately after the activation of restricted airspace, there was a violation by a small aircraft. Authorities have the pilot in custody for questioning. (FEMA HQ, Region I, Principal Federal Official)

Gosh, did you hear about that on the news? I sure didn't. I wonder if these people are still in custody?

Posted by nicole at July 27, 2004 09:02 PM
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