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So, That Happened

The Miata needs some new suspension parts, and may be seriously bent. I hope it just needs parts, because I really like that car, which is why I was driving it when, on my way home from work tonight, while I was two miles from home, west bound on VA55, an east bound Warren County sheriff's deputy in some kind of SUV made in Michigan hit a deer.

The deer jumped into the road and right into his grill[1], then it bounced off his car, flew into the west bound lane, and hit the Miata very low on the passenger side front bumper. I pulled into the ditch as there is no shoulder there. At that point, the car looked fine. There is virtually no body damage, amazingly enough. What I did not notice, at least not until I tried to drive the car, was that the the passenger side wheel was two inches back from where it should have been. Actually, *I* didn't notice that at all. Tino noticed it when he came to decide whether to drive the car or not.

The cops were very nice, probably because one of their brethren had seen the whole thing and knew it was an act of God. Having a deer come flying at your car, right after you've HEARD it his the cop's car because you're in a convertible that's open was really an experience I hope I never repeat. I was very shaken up, and the hazards on that car don't work. As I said, there's no shoulder. Another Warren cop came in short order (it's a very small county) and put flares down on both sides of the road leading into the valley where this happened. The state trooper showed up later. He had to come and inspect things because the Warren guys are required to have another party to investigate their accident.

Not one WORD was said like "you should be more careful" or "how fast were you going" or even "can I see some I.D." -- having a COP have the bigger accident was a novel experience.

It's seemingly impossible to live in the country and not hit a deer at some point. It happens to everyone eventually. I really hope that was my deer-hitting experience, as it could have been much much worse.

[1] I was watching. I saw the whole thing. First it started falling over, then it fell over. IYKWIMAITYD.

Posted by nicole at July 21, 2004 11:09 PM
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