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Are You One of Those People?

On summer days like today, typical for Virginia, about 85-90' and sunny, I see people stuck in traffic on I-66 driving convertibles with the top down and others driving cars with all the windows open. I see way too many of these people to say that their A/C is broken or their car doesn't have A/C. Many of the convertibles, in particular, are late model NICE cars -- they have air conditioning. It's absolutely broiling hot while you're not moving, make no mistake. How can they *stand* it?

I drove in via the cross-Faquier County route today, which is shady and nice. Terrific for a convertible, and I was driving one. While I was crawling through Middleburg, it occurred to me that I might be happier if I pulled over and put up the top before I got to the sun-blasted portion of US50 with all traffic lights. Since I had a lot of country to cover in Loudon still, I did not. As a result, I got to work and needing fresh clothes and a shower because that section of US50 was, as usual, crawling along because of sod trucks and rock trucks in both lanes and construction along side of it all.

I'm sure, if I take I-66 home today, I will see plenty of people sitting in traffic in blazing heat with no A/C. Am I missing something here? What is the appeal of this?

Posted by nicole at July 21, 2004 12:17 PM
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