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Say What You Will

Say what you will about the New York Post, but their business writer, John Crudele, was right again.

This is a snapshot from the WSJ Economic calendar, the place where they post predictions for economic numbers as well as the actual numbers and the last period's revisions.

Yesterday, Crudele said the following:

WALL Street thinks the gov ernment will report strong U.S. job growth tomorrow.

I think Wall Street is wrong.


Unless the Labor Department deviates from its previous assumptions this July, the economy will have to have created an awful lot of jobs to get over the statistical hump and meet Wall Street's forecast.

There's more in the article, including some numbers, but you get the idea. He's been right consistently with his predictions about the job reports. I don't have time to dig up past months, and, in fact, I might not even be able to get what I want from the NYPost archives. In any case, it's nice to see someone not blinded by what they *want* to see.

Posted by nicole at August 06, 2004 09:16 AM
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