My new group at work (I finally got moved into the group I was hired to work with) has a time bandit or time thief or whatever the seven-habits-franchise-people call them. He's one of those guys who just shows up at your desk and starts chatting about things that probably don't interest you at all. He's not a bad guy, and he's actually quite good-looking and reasonably intelligent, but it doesn't really help.
Why does it bother me? Ever since I've moved here, I've retreated from work/social atmosphere. People here will socialize with co-workers, but they don't seem to meet their friends in the work place. It kind of sucks since people here seem to do nothing but work. You'd think all their friends would be there too, you know? Lunch is one thing, but drinks after work seem like a rare thing in this city. At least compared to what I'm used to.
So, people coming to my desk to chat randomly strikes me interruption I guess. Maybe I'm just a crank. That's always a possibility. I wonder if he makes coffee when he takes the last pot? I bet he does. I mean, he's a nice guy.
Today was another day where people had leapt upon the coffee and not bothered to make any more. As I've mentioned MANY times before, it takes approximately 20 seconds to start another pot of coffee here.
I've had a lot of encounters with either serious selfishness or aggressiveness today. I'm not sure which. A guy in line at the bank drive through jumped in front of my car. Maybe just because he could, but I was so pissed off at him that I got out of my car, walked up to his car window and informed him that he was a line-jumping jerk[1].
After the bank thing, I was nearly run off the road by a truck that wanted to go 70 mph on the beltway approach (not the ramp) after the toll booths. I drive pretty fast through there anyway, but I've seen cops busting people, so I'm not going to 70 for the convenience of some guy driving a very large vehicle at unsafe and illegal speeds. Rest assured, I was punished for my noncompliance with asshole-truck-driver-man's policy.
People like that make me want to go slow (not my default setting!) and block them into a lane. They make me feel eeeevuuuul.
Some time back I explained the ludicrous situation my employer is in with the landlord over the parking lot? Well, it's still the same way, except that the landlord next door is now allowing people to park heavy construction equipment and huge car transport trucks in that area.
It looks even weirder now. Or maybe it just looks like a stupid territorial pissing dispute. :)
I purchased a used Toshiba Portege laptop via EBay. It's due to show up today, and I'm fairly anxious to get my hands on it as I still have the same damn problem with the Compaq that I've been having for months. I've even read their damn support FORUMS looking for help with it.
[1]That's not quite what I said. I just pointed out that he was extraordinarily rude of him to shove his way in front of me when I was clearly there first. I was *really* steamed at the casual attitude and I just couldn't let him get away with it. I know it's hard to imagine how this particular scenario could occur with objects the size of cars in a bank drive through, but I not willing to spend any further time on this, so you'll just have to get the point of this which is "casual selfishness abounds today".