The stove saga is finally over.
We went to the post office to pick up our mail today, and what was there but a propane conversion kit? Keep in mind that we asked them NOT to ship it to Front Royal because we have to actually get to the post office when it's open, and that's a bit tough on a weekend.
I wish we would have had it on Wednesday, and if it had been shipped to Reston, like we asked, I wouldn't have had to repeatedly sootify and unsootify every pot in the house to make a Thanksgiving meal.
In case you didn't figure it out yet, Tino installed it. I guess you're not supposed to do that, but the burners are piezo ignited, so there's no pilot lights and no gas present at all, unless the burners are turned on. Basically, the whole kit consisted of smaller jets for each burner -- it fit in a small padded envelope. Actually, it would fit in the palm of your hand. And it took a month for them to get it to the wrong address.
Speaking of Thanksgiving, Koogle's out here with us. My first Dutch Apple Pie got really good reviews. She also liked the German-style Sour Beans (I think this was the best batch I've ever made) and the Marinated Carrots (also Sour, but Not Sour Enough in this batch). She and Tino both like things sour. Actually, I sometimes think that she and Tino have more of the little things in common than Tino and I do. Shit, sometimes? We all know this and have discussed it as a group. If they had any chemistry, my life would have turned out quite differently since I never would have come to the DC area at all.
We watched some South Park last night since Amanda hasn't seen it in ages and she really likes it. She hadn't seen Timmy before, so that was, of course, good for a hoot. Where the hell is Chef this season? I'm just not getting enough Isaac Hayes in my life right now.
Yeah, I know I haven't been writing much lately. I'd love to talk about the election, but it seems like the rest of the world is doing a pretty good job of that without my help. At this point, I think Al Gore should concede. I don't want George Bush to be president, but I don't want anyone to win the way Al Gore would have to win at this point. Really, the best thing to do would be to recount all of Florida, but that's not going to happen unless Hell freezes over, IMHO.
I really hope the Bush Team doesn't try and blame Al for Cheney's current health troubles. I already hate them all so much that I really don't want to find more room to hat e them more.
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