So, how about that Flying Dutchman guy? Has he got a name on him or what? It would seem like Pieter van den Hoogen would be enough, but not for this guy. He's got that gratutitous final syllable for extra goodness (van den Hoogenband). He's pretty cute too, not to mention the three gold medals. And I can't even complain that he's short like that 'Sexy Alexi' dude -- Pieter is 6'3"![1]
So, I'm having kind of a hard time with this because I tend to come up with my best material while I'm driving or, worse yet, while I'm laying in bed about to go to sleep. I work everything out in my head and then I fall asleep and forget all of it by morning. I do a little better with the driving thing, but I tend to get distracted by the time I get to my desk and all I can remember are the traffic atrocities committed against me.
I know what you're thinking: why don't I get a little recorder? I have one. I can't stand the way I sound on tape, so I just don't use it. Who knows. Once I relocate the recorder after the two moves (like I could lay my hands on it now. Hah!) maybe I'll suck it up and try again.