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Weird Piece of Spam

I get a lot of spam. Unfortunately, even though I use a filter, once in a while I have to go through the presumed-spam folder to look for something that hasn't shown up in my inbox. While cleaning out the spam bin, I found this:

I have removed part of the URL because I don't like to advertise for people who send me spam. I haven't actually gone to the site myself -- I can't imagine that it could improve on this bizarre piece of...advertising.

First of all, who wants their picture on a grilled cheese sandwich anyway?

Second, that SO doesn't look like the Virgin, and I've seen the Clearwater building IN PERSON, so I know from Virgin apparitions. This one just doesn't fly.

Third, whoever made these sandwiches needs some help. I've never seen a grilled cheese sandwich look so mis-shapen before.

Fourth, the 43rd President's picture on a sandwich does not make it look more appetizing.

I've seen the Hello Kitty! Toast Imprinter, but this doesn't look like that either.

For now, it is a mystery. Maybe I'll go to the site

[time passes]

Okaaaay, it's casino. I'm officially perplexed. While they *did* get me to go to the site (I didn't click out of the mail so the spammer got no credit for it), I'm still not interested in gambling, much less gambling on the Internets. Ah well, free entertainment.

[yet more time passes]

Here's info about the auctioning of the Virgin Mary sandwich on eBay.

Posted by nicole at December 12, 2004 10:03 PM

Of course it's not the Virgin Mary! anyone with eyes can see that it's Bernadette Peters!

as far as the bush sandwich goes, I thought the dill went inside the sandwich...

confused again...

Posted by solomon roebling at December 14, 2004 12:23 PM

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