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Aren't the Democrats Tired of Learning from Defeat?

Some butt kicking is needed down at the DNC. Again.

I dearly wish the dems would get together a party that represented them. This one doesn't seem to attract enough people to it's philosophies. I know it's not by much, but they keep failing.

Terry McAuliffe should be first against the wall on this one. If that's his idea of leadership, it's time to move on. A coach this bad would have been fired by now, certainly.

Sigh. Of course, this problem won't be solved by 2008 because they just don't see it. They think it's fraud or intimidation or something *other* than the suckiness of their candidate.

Posted by nicole at November 04, 2004 09:32 PM

I thought this article was interesting


It's twisted the way you'd expect it to be, coming from me, but really, there's more to this guy's stuff than my favorite mantra.

"Then I pointed out that the core of the Democratic Party was comprised of voting blocs that had absolutely no connection with one another, and often real animosity. For example, some 80%-90% of black voters are Democrats. The activist members of the gay community are also almost all Democrats. Yet the blacks I know all hate gay men, with an intensity that must be seen to be appreciated. Mom was with me on this one, as she had seen this, too. The trial lawyers are all Democrats, as they don't want any caps on lawsuits (Mom didn't realize this, which surprised me. She is savvy about most things.) The teachers' unions are all Democrats. So are the pro-choice groups. So are the medical marijuana folks. Yet none of these groups has any connection to (or wants to have anything to do with) any other."

Posted by steel at November 15, 2004 11:15 PM

This is as much a result of a move to the center as anything, IMHO. More proof that Bill Clinton is the best thing that ever happened to the GOP.

In the midst of all the hand-wringing about Kerry's defeat, there's a lot to take heart in, I'd say. I look at those "red" states and I see a lot of people voting Democratic. And while I agree that Kerry and the DNC were never able to articulate a really cogent policy, in the end they were damaged by an opponent who was willing to tell some real whoppers.

It was Lee Atwater who said "if you're explaining you're losing," and Karl Rove was his disciple. These guys will obviously say anything to cover for a record which can only be looked at as an abysmal failure.

Time will tell if this success will prove troublesome for the GOP - the fault lines are already showing.

It makes me sad - I think both Kerry and Gore would make great Presidents.

Just my dos centavos thrown into the cauldron for spice.


Posted by solomon roebling at November 17, 2004 10:01 AM

Three phrases should be among the most common in our daily usage. They are: Thank you, I am grateful and I appreciate.

Posted by vigrx at February 17, 2006 06:57 PM

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