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Head Cop's a Big Fat Liar

From Thomas Green at The Register:
New FBI chief Robert Mueller's testimony before the US Senate during his confirmation hearing last week, to the effect that he had no understanding of key-logging technology, sounded very wrong to us.
Naturally, we all prefer honest incompetence to active deceit, and we were hoping that the second explanation would prove right; but we're sorry to report that we've got evidence that Mueller actually knows a great deal about key-logging technology.

It's truly alarming that he would just lie to the Senate like that. Why on earth should one lie about something that can be immediately disproved by a Google search?

I guess he doesn't understand the technology.

Really now, which is worse? God knows the RIAA and the MPAA have some twisted ideas about what technology can and can't do, but they aren't head cop at the FBI. I would think the Republicans would be sticklers about lying after the way Bill Clinton was treated by them. And this is something that actually might matter.

But really, it's just too much to hope for.

Posted by nicole at May 28, 2002 08:07 PM
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