Random Enqtries >circa 1997
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My path to art

Once upon a time, I was a stockbroker and a student at DePaul. As Mars in Gemini people will, I got bored with the whole thing. Well, actually I got disgusted at the tension, bored with the work, and the only way to make the big bucks is to sell, and I'm no good at that. My parents decided not to pay for any more school (yes, I'm bitter), and I needed to make more money, so I got a new job. Through this new job at the Northern Trust Bank, I wound up learning to do PC tech work and bookkeeping (I was actually a Performance Analyst. Did I mention I have Mars in Gemini?). The finance coursework had caused me to take enough accounting to have a clue. Eventually, my division of the bank was going to be pulled back into the bank itself (this is a very bad thing), and both of my bosses quit. I then quit and got a job as a bookkeeper for an art gallery. An art-to-match-your-furniture kind of gallery. Since I was the only person with any computer expertise, I was elected queen of the new Xenix box. At the same time, I'd discovered collage and painting as an outlet to my stress. I decided to go back to school on my own dime and study art. After taking the basic coursework, I discovered that while collage was cool, I really liked machines like cameras and video editors and sound boards and computers and toasters and and and...