Random Enqtries >circa 1997
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Random Enqtries



There are a number of reasons why astrology appeals to me, but the most important is because it makes me really pay attention to how people relate to each other. Although I do look at my transits, I don't live by them. The astrology of human relationships is what really gets my attention. I recently found a site that demonstrates what is, in my opinion, a really interesting use of astrology: Big Fun. This site is huge. I've linked to the beginning, and you'll have to read a fair amount of it to get a feel for what he's doing.

For the nosy, my data is: July 10, 1966 1:58am Harvey, IL. That makes me a Cancer with an Aries moon and Taurus rising.

I use Walter Pullen's Astrolog, and, since it's free, you should too. I often look up my coordinates and time zones on the web - it's just so handy when every machine you use has instant web access. I've read a lot of books on astrology, some good some bad. If you want my recommended reading list, they are here. I subscribe to the Liz Greene theory for the most part. Astrology can tell you a lot about a person's disposition and how they interact with others. You do need complete data, however. I don't even mess around with Solar charts any more. I think there is too much guess work, and the rising sign is just too crucial. I've found that if I find someone insufferable (or even just interesting), and I manage to wheedle their birthdata out of them, I find their manner less annoying or more interesting, as the case may be. Somehow, when I'm provided with an explanation for annoying behavior, it becomes less annoying. I don't pretend to understand why.

Just because I don't do Solar horoscopes doesn't mean that I don't read the ones that other's write. If you're looking for lighter astrological fare, or if you're tired of astrologers who take themselves too seriously, check out Rob Brezny's Real Astrology, Ron Lunde's Humorscope, or Swoon.


Aside from astrological eccentricities, I also have a total distrust of the medical industry. Basically, I believe that the health industry is designed to keep us dependent. As such, I've been working with herbs for several years now. I feel funny giving out recommendations on specific herbs, but I can tell you that Michael Tierra's Planetary Herbology is the most useful herb book that I own, and that I've had no more than the sniffles the last three winters and that those were thrown off by a vegetable-heavy diet, carefully chosen herb teas, and lots of liquid and rest. In the last three years, I've never felt worse that "a little under the weather." I do take vitamins, but just B, C Zinc and, one week out of the month, Iron.

I do go to the doctor once a year, but the doctor I see is usually a nurse practitioner at Planned Parenthood. They do good work, and I'm happy to pay their fee. This guarantees that I'll have to get a medical history taken as well as some fluid tests, and it gives me the opportunity to ask questions if I think I've got a problem. I use food as medicine and follow my cravings. If I lusting over mustard greens, I figure I'm probably running low on Iron, for instance. If this stops working, or if I feel there's something seriously wrong with me, I suppose I'll have to see a real physician. If anybody's got resources to find a physician who accepts herbal therapy as valid and allows his patients to have an opinion about their own health, let me know.

Body Modification

Just when you thought I was at the end of my flaky list, I have to go and bring up something like this. Since I've got some, you can bet I've done some research. The web is an excellent resource for this sort of this, regardless of attempts by congress to make the naked body obscene. If you've never been pierced or tattooed, you owe it to yourself to read the FAQs. Both the Piercing FAQ and the Tattoo FAQ are full of basic information that took an incredible amount of time to gather. It's pointless to repeat it here. If you're into looking, try Body Modification E-Zine for great pictures and links. Another way to find information is rec.arts.bodyarts, but USENET is so trying these days. I got a really neat tattoo on Memorial Day, and I'm happy to say it's healed well. It's snazzy, and I'm really happy with it. When I've got a picture, I'll put it up. At the least, I'll try to scan in the art work and put that up.