2001 Journals >2001-11-10 18:11
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2001-11-10 18:11

John Ashcroft, that bastard...

John Ashcroft, that bastard, is trying to overturn the right of the people of Oregon, and as much as I could rant about that, Tino has done a much better job.

I made a $30 impulse purchase earlier this week:  I had my eye lashes dyed while I was in for a leg wax.  It was, by far, the best $30 I've spent on myself in a long time.

Whoops, I almost forgot that I still have a few things to complain about in re: gubmint.  Business tax cuts are not going to help our economy right now.  They may help our economy in the long run, but not for a few years, at best.

If one is a republican, one probably believes that Reagan's trickle-down economic policies helped fuel the great economy that started during Clinton's term.  I happen to think that it was caused by the birth of a new industry the size of , say, the railroads.  Aside from that, even if one does disagree with me on this point and cede the credit to Reagan, it's clear that it took a Long Damn Time to work.  In short, what the Hell are they thinking in the Capitol?

You know what though?  While I have suggestions, they are typically ones that both sides of the government don't find palatable.  Cut taxes for people.  First, eliminate the AMT for people instead of for corporations.  This makes the affluent happy, but does reach down below millionaires.  Next, go to a flatter tax table, and eliminate some of the ridiculous number of deductions available.  Simplification will make the tax code seem more fair, which would go a long way towards consumers opening their wallets again.

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