Journals >2000-08-03 16:49:02
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2000-08-03 16:49:02

I am a naughty contractor

Why is this my third entry for today? It's all for you, dear reader. Besides, if you've never heard this song, you should go listen to it right now. It's a gen-x anthem just waiting for adoption.

What is this song? It is Slack Motherfucker, and I have two versions for you to enjoy:

Today, I am the slack motherfucker. I should be working, but no, I'm writing entries and reading entries and AIMing friends and looking at natal charts. What I should be doing is installing some packages on the employer's Solaris development server and then compiling some Perl widgets that I need to get off this horrible MSQuery merry-go-round that has become my life.


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