Journals >2000-08-09 12:40:26
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2000-08-09 12:40:26

Perceived Deficiencies of Solaris

Now, install readmes always say to read the whole thing, but how many of us do? Here's a tip: if you're trying to compile Lincoln Stein's GD under Solaris you really *do* need to read the directions. Apparently:

The patch requires a recent version of GNU patch (download sites listed at Solaris systems do *not* have a suitable version of patch. You must install GNU patch yourself.

RTFM kiddies![1]

The good news is that I'm a lot closer to getting my reports built under Solaris instead of my daily battles with MSQuery, Excel and my weekly running of 'repair office'.

Heck, I can do text reporting now. I just can't get the pretty pie graphs until I jump over this damn hurdle.

[1]I believe most readers are familiar with this acronym, but it's READ THE FUCKING MANUAL. You know, just in case you were wondering what your sysadmin was mumbling in your general direction.

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