Journals >2000-06-11 12:36:48
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2000-06-11 12:36:48

Astrogirl Product Recommendation

So, I've been away tending to my life

Work still sucks. I've officially "made waves" now by sending a letter to HR regarding my recent involuntary transfer to the IT Department. Furthermore, I made a compelling argument for the company to start doing exit interviews. Letting that just walk out the door is a waste of money. It's one of the few chances they have to address their attrition problem.

Since I have no faith that the company will fix anything I currrently find amiss, I'm looking for a job.

The InternetMCI Diaspora has produced Director level people spread all over the industry. This is a good thing for me. For those unfamiliar with the situation, Worldcom purhased MCI and was forced to divest their IP network business, InternetMCI. Cable & Wireless bought us for just under $2 billion (I think). Then the proceeded to destroy the culture by forcing their own on that business unit. None of the Engineers liked that, and since they could make lots of money elsewhere and get big promotions, they went and did that. Moral of the Story: never underpay your IP Engineers. Inertia will keep some people there if they are well paid.

I'd like to warn you all that I have a new favorite product. Since I like it, it will be changed or removed from the marketplace soon. Go buy lots if you already like it. It's Bonduelle Galettes Choux-Fleurs/Brocoli. They are these patties of broccoli and cauliflower bits bound together with things that are vegetarian but are not vegan. They are und-yummy. I just baked two of them and put them in a 2-egg omelet (3 eggs are just too much egginess, even for me) with one slice of swiss cheese. Mmmm... I obtained them at Sutton Place, and at some point in the near future, I will go purchase more.

To be perfectly honest, I should be grocery shopping right now (no, I don't grocery shop at Sutton Place). T took the BMW though, and I know he'll be pissed if I take the Canyonero. That leaves me with the Miata, and it's hot today...

You see my dilemma.

I did manage to accomplish something this weekend: I wrote a shell/alias thingy to do correlations on astrological charts. It has command line switches (even one for help!), and it does things like tell me who in my chart base has, say, an 8th house Sun. As an astrological side note, this is the most unusual Sun placement. Apparently, babies just don't get born in mid-late afternoon.

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