I had perhaps the most boring weekend ever. This is not to say that I don't love Tino and that I don't like my friends, I do. Unfortunately, most of the weekend was spent in the service of the A/C.
It's very cool to have a boyfriend who can fix things, and I know he saved us a bunch of money, but I think we nearly killed each other on Saturday night. There's a point at which it's worth any amount of money to me to just have it fixed and not have to fetch, carry and argue.
To add insult to injury, the fucking thing broke again today. This is no fault of Tino's -- the other motor quit. Luckily, since he had bought a second motor for the inside equipment and later found out that that one just needed it's polarity reversed (this is a motor he replaced this winter but because it was heat then, we didn't notice that the air returns didn't work - heat rises, duh) he could just replace the one outside without any more trips to the hardware store or the motor shop or anything.
You know, the more I think about it, the more I think we need a garage. I mean, if he's this good with the house stuff, he must be great with cars. I can't blame him in the least for not wanting to fuck around with cars in the parking lot.
I'm not being really clear about this. Tino is very handy and very clever and I love him dearly, but sometimes you just want to call a pro and have your weekend to do fun things.
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