Journals >2000-07-07 14:40:50
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2000-07-07 14:40:50

Friends Don't Let Friends...

OK, so the batch of people just above me at the job I just quit have all wound up at the same company again. I am not going with them. I tried to get in there to interview, but not hard enough. I never corrected my course even though I knew I wasn't really trying, but as it turned out, I'm really glad I didn't go there.

These people are my friends, and they are generally smart folks, but I think they've had smoke blown up their asses on this one. I'm not supposed to know a lot of what I know about this company -- it's not really any of my business since neither I nor my SO work there. As it turns out, I think I know more than they do. This concerns me because what I do know is all bad.

While I like these people and care what happens to them, I'm not really willing to try and warn them off. They would think I'm crazy, and I'm just not willing to hang my ass out there to the breeze, lest I turn out to be completely wrong.

Another friend of mine and mutual aquaintance of theirs thinks this is one of those things where I should ask my friend just what the hell he thinks he's doing? I just don't feel strongly enough to do that. It's a lot more than "I just have a bad feeling about this", but I have no actual proof. It's an "all signs point to yes" kind of thing.

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