Journals >circa 1997
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June 6, 1997

The police showed up again last night. There was a bout of yelling, screaming and banging, and then quiet. A bit later, the police showed up with their lights a blazin', and they parked like they wanted to block the streets. They went to the door (the nextdoor neighboors, of course) with weapons drawn. The house was all dark and quiet, so they just went away. A few minutes later we saw David walk by across the street, coming from a direction that may indicated he'd come from around the block. Why, oh why are the police not smart enough to send a cop to the back when they get called to that house?

Today, I woke up with one of those headaches that give me vertigo. I suppose they are migraines, but must I wake UP with them? God, I hate that. I couldn't bring myself to go to work and sit under the florescents with that aching brain - especially since I haven't got much to do at the moment. Instead, I sent in the incorporation papers, got a new hard drive and fought with that for the rest of the day. Had to re-install everything since my old one was partitioned. I can't even imagine how much longer it would have taken to manually clean those references out of the registry. Brrrrr.

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