Journals >circa 1997
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May 27, 1997

Last night, I was starting to wonder why I had such a bug up my ass to get a tattoo. It started on Thursday, but as luck would have it, Rick's was too busy to do me. This turned out to be a good thing since it led me to a really great artist and I got something much more ambitious and lovely. Anyway, what I found out was that I had a Venus Return right around then. Now, it half ass makes sense that this would happen, but it doesn't explain why a tattoo

Instead of fixating on the chart, I decided to run the actual transits, and I was reminded that I have a natal square from Venus to a natal Uranus Pluto conjuction. AHA! My natural twistedness was being triggered by Venus, who was trying desperately to make me cuter. So, I got a tattoo. A Celtic zoomorph (dogs) in a crescent shape on my belly. It's really cool, and if I ever get around to photographing it, I'll put it up here somewhere.

This afternoon, while I was driving to work, I noticed something weird. On Tuesday, when I had driven Tino to his car, I showed him my special, secret anti-traffic path to Bethesda which includes a road called the Dela***** Parkway. When we saw the sign on the south end, it said "Delacarlia". I figured I'd been saying it wrong all along and that I never noticed the spelling. When I was coming home that night, I saw the sign on the north end, and it said "Delacarla". Whatever. Who was this person whose name is mispelled? It's a nice road, anyway.

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