I am 100% in agreement with Blivet. Katherine Harris definitely looks like the hair pulling type.
This reminds me of a theory that Tino has about Washington, which goes something like this: The town is made up of people who moved here from somewhere else who were all Student Council President in their little home town schools. Now, they come here, and they work in the basement at State and they get bitter about suddenly being a tiny guppy in a big ocean when they were supposed to make the world a better place.
Then they take it out on you.
Tino would have written it better, and maybe he will...someday.
I have not been writing because I have been very busy with other things. I *should* be busy with work, but it seems I've turned into a slacker. I am revising all of my web things, and this journal will probably make a gradual move to one of my domains. Probably.
You can't see what I've been up to because I'm building it all with Trellix and it's still living on my laptop.
Did I mention that I can't believe the SCOTUS (that's what the news people call it...like they called Bill POTUS. Both look like other words that shouldn't be used in polite company) is going to elect Bush president?
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