Journals >2000-10-10 16:57:40
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2000-10-10 16:57:40

Myths and Rumors

Emily brought up this article today, and it reminded me that I meant to comment on the passage of a recent house bill: Debunking the myth of a desperate software labor shortage.

Now, before I get into this, I feel the need to say that in my world view, the US should have open borders. We also shouldn't be paying taxes, but since we're not going to be seeing a libertarian government any time soon, we're dealing with a rigged system all around. Until we have truly free markets, safeguards must be put in place because the invisible hand has a repetitive stress injury and can't do it's job properly.[1] The following statements do not represent a xenophobic philosphy, even though they *sound* like they do if you don't read this part where I say that the system as is is totally fucked anyway.

The house passed a bill a week or two ago in a landslide vote of 96 to 1 that the H1B visa quota should be raised much higher. An H1B visa ties the alien employee to that company. Quit that job and you lose your sponsor. This bill contained no safeguards to insure that these immigrants are paid fairly, nor are there any safeguards to insure that you and I (if you're a programmer like me) won't be fired or laid off and replaced with cheap labor.

I cannot believe that a republican congress passed such a bill as it clearly takes jobs away from red-blooded americans. I also cannot believe that all those democrats voted to allow these people to be, essentially, exploited by U.S. employers. How is this good for anyone?

I've seen very capable people brought in on such visas, so I'm not slamming them, but I've also seen the same people suffer from being underpaid but unable to change jobs and compete for a better salary. It's just totally unfair that our congress is so beholden to corporate interests that they would vote this in with obviously so little debate.

This is part of the reason that I feel I have no one to vote for for Senate. Chuck Robb voted for that bill, corporate pawn that he apparently is, and George Allen...well, a lot of possibly innocent criminals were denied appeals and a handful of retarded men also were denied appeals and executed on his watch as Virginia governor.

I have no idea what to do with that race.

Regarding all the congressional races, The Blorg links to a cool article by Michael Moore regarding what he sees as a strong possibility that African American congrefs will be running the show after the election. Wouldn't that be something to see?

Basically, interferences in the market, like subsidies for instance, are disrupting forces rather than balancing forces.

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