I'm really getting tired of justifying my choice of operating systems at work. I use a Windows desktop without complaining (well, actually I complain a lot, but not about being forced to use windows), but I will not NOT use a Windows box for development. I'm sure it's possible, but I have no interest in doing it.
So, instead of explaining why I couldn't use an NT development/web server, I just said "I'm going to do it this way". This was not greeted with any more than a dirty look.
If they won't support my activities, I will go elsewhere. The thing is, the folks I work for love what I produce. The folks that run the local networks, however, work for someone else, and they are not cooperative.
In my experience, people are really happy with text reports if they can get the information the way they want it. I can and do create graphs for reports and web pages, and they are nice and all that, and they are, of course, the only thing for trending...but don't underestimate formatted email reports and tab delimited text. Folks love being able to open stuff in Excel and mess with it themselves. People don't use web pages that way, for a number of reasons.
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