Journals >2000-07-18 13:18:23
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2000-07-18 13:18:23

Dumb Ass Policy

It's not that I don't love you, I've just been busy.

I received a lot of encouragement from this link: The Hacker's Diet. While I should be aware of the whole theory, I was allowing myself to be so discouraged by the scale that I hesitated to weigh myself. The upshot of this? I AM actually losing weight. I just couldn't see it without a moving average.

He has spreadsheets and stuff there that allow you to enter in a daily weight and track it with a least-squares-fit graph. It also gives you the number of calories you had to NOT eat daily to achieve the weight loss that you experienced. It's all by the rules, and some of it should have been obvious to me...but it wasn't.

My new employer does indeed have some really stupid policies. All corporations do, but now I'm experiencing a new batch:

  • No outside laptops (I'm a consultant and have my own laptop) are to be connected to their network. I know what they are thinking here, but this is really unworkable. I *could* bring in a hub (which I will do tomorrow. :) ) or I could just use the connection from my desktop (provided by them) for my laptop.
  • Contractors have a 'c_' prepended to their email addresses. WHY ON EARTH does someone's freaking EMAIL ADDRESS have to indicate whether they are a contractor or an employee!
  • Contractors don't have access to all the shared drives. Why the fuck not? Don't you expect me to actually do my job? This puts me in a position of charging $$ per hour to web surf because I can't get what I need.
If you work for someone that doesn't have any stupid policies, let me know. You are a lucky, lucky person and I'd like to resent you for a while.

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