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Something I Saw on the Dulles Tollroad

I have no pictures to support this entry. I couldn't get my camera out because I was driving.

I saw a nice red pick-em-up-truck with one of those magnet signs on the door that said "Get the Flock Out" and indicated that they do goose removal as a business.

For those of you who don't frequent the suburbs, this might seem a bit weird. As it turns out, many of these sprawling corporate campuses in the 'burbs feature a pond surrounded by tall grass and zeroscaping stuff. The geese have figured out that there is no reason to return to Canada when one can live the easy life with no natural predators. The result of this is that the geese shit *everywhere*, and where they nest, will chase people away from the vicinity of the nest, even if that vicinity contains your car, a sidewalk, a golf cart or your golf ball that has just arrived "in the rough."

This seems like a good business to me. I thought, since this is Northern VA, one of the most wired places on earth, that there would be a website. No go on that. Of course, it could be a CIA front for an agent that is assigned to sneaking around in the hedges and grasses looking for Al Quedas.

Posted by nicole at April 20, 2005 07:49 AM

They're loud, they seem to eat their weight in grass daily and they deposit halfway digested, stinky grass everywhere. I have seen some that are in the habit of being fed during the weekday at an office park. By the time I saw them, it was Sunday and they must have been hungry. They all came a running and were pissed when I didn't offer them some food.

One way to control the population is to seed the pond with snapping turtles. The only problem is when a certain type of person sees a “evil” turtle struggling with a cute little ball of fuzz. Not very pretty. It also won't take care of the adults.

Posted by steel at April 24, 2005 03:39 PM

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