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Two Different Stories

Last night before bed, I peeked at the WSJ Online headline. Here it is:

Doom and gloom. Clearly, the Sunshit Blowing Team that usually controls the WSJ Online is fast asleep. I took a snapshot because I thought it would change by morning. It did.

OK, that headline dropped in importance, but the first headline is about oil. The second says stocks will rise based on positive news following the Venezuelan election. This is so far from reality, that I'm stunned they'd be so credulous.

Last night, exit polls and/or early results showed Chavez to get booted out of office. They *clearly* showed this. Since blogs frequently change, I took snapshots of two from Venezuela this morning.

Both were quote sober last night, and one even claims that "SI" votes printed out from the touch screen machines as "NO" votes. Search this blog for the word "print". Note also as you're reading that some people waited in line 12 hours to vote and there were many irregularities.

The headline calls it an "Electoral coup d'etat" and the closing line of the entry is: "Our country is in great, great danger."

The other blog says many of the same things, and sums up their blog entry with "this is the worst possible [result]."

I'm seriously annoyed at the WSJ's pollyanna call on this. They used to be a *real* paper, now they just take what the (stock) futures are doing and MAKE UP AN EXCUSE to match it. Clearly, they haven't read the stories, or they would be baffled by the positive action in the futures. Or, maybe they have and they are unwilling to say so. The latter truly horrifies me. I'd rather believe they are uninformed, as awful as that is.

Watch the news for what the Carter Center (yes, former president Jimmy) has to say about the elections they monitored. This isn't over.

Posted by nicole at August 16, 2004 08:41 AM
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