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A Quick One

This is how I always saw things related to Cheney and Halliburton, so I really enjoyed this snarky piece on Jane Galt's site:

Since conventional wisdom suggests Dubya's a moron, it's time to establish Nosferatu'sCheney's incredible long-term planning skills. Who cannot see that it is simpler to make years of preparation for war and spend huge amounts of the budget and international credibility than to just sign contracts with the old corrupt regime in Baghdad? Before making Halliburton rich, Cheney diabolically got rid of the bulk of his financial stake in it. To further cover his tracks, he made it's stock price go way down first so that the remainder of his stake was 'temporarily' reduced in value. Then he pledged to give away his upside, and keep only fixed-value payments unaffected by profits. Only a genius could both sell out of a deteriorating companies to fleece investors AND stay in to make a killing on war profiteering for charity! Martha Stewart eat your heart out.

Mentioned in the comments is the bizarre quantum state of the president that he can somehow be an evil genius and a moron at the same time. (I'm paraphrasing, but read the piece -- it's funny.) Which is it? Is he an imperialistic Dr. No brilliant-but-evil genius or is he a spoiled rich boy who's so dumb that he can't give a decent speech. He can't be both at the same time, folks.

The left is making a big mistake. If they associate themselves with whackjob propagandists like, say, Michael Moore and nutjobs like this guy they will drive away the moderates. It's abundantly clear to me that the opinions of this Llloyd Williams character are actually an exact match for what I hear on Air America and see on Metafilter and Plastic. I'm so annoyed with the barking moonbats trying to drive the anti-Bush machine, that I'm about ready to vote for Bush. Normally, I'd vote for the libertarian, but I'm mad at them too, after the stupid choices they've been making lately.

Posted by nicole at July 04, 2004 09:44 AM
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