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Rules for Driving

I drive 300 miles a week to commute to work. During that time, I encounter, repeatedly, some particular asshat behaviors.

1) If you're the type that takes the speed limit as a LIMIT, then please use the right lane. Just because there are three lanes or four lanes does not mean that it doesn't matter which lane you use. If you're the type who takes the speed limit as a suggested minimum speed, then do not expect people in the right-most lane to get out of your way. No matter how much you tailgate them, they aren't going to speed up. You should pass them on the left, like a good citizen. If you are tempted to pass someone on the right, take a chill pill for 30 seconds and give that person you are mericlessly tailgating a moment to see you and get to the right.

2) If you are facing a situation where there are multiple left turn lanes, you need to turn INTO THE SAME LANE. Sure, this is just logic, but believe it or not, people don't seem to know this as I continually have people try to kill me at intersections with multiple left turn lanes. In particular, the left turn from east bound Frying Pan Rd to Centerville Rd (this is in the Herndon, VA area) is fraught with danger because of people who are not clear on this concept. Today, I was nearly creamed by a landscaping truck that didn't get it while turning from West Ox Rd onto 28. Fucking idiot.

3) It is not your God-given right to turn right on red, even if your license plate says you are BLESSD. You still have to yield to the people with a green light, and in particular, you should take note of those people turning left from across the intersection that have a green arrow and therefore the right-of-way.

That is all. Thank you for playing.

Posted by nicole at April 29, 2004 07:26 PM

Rant 2, the corn-belt interstate driver.

Starting from about Pittsburg, PA, and going west to at least Omaha, NE is the particular species of driver I call the “corn-belt interstate driver”. If there’s another, non-four letter name for ‘em, I don’t know it, and I’ve never seen this type of driver discussed in print (although I’m not really sure how I would google it up).

I’ll try to describe one. Driver A is doing 55 in the right lane. You are furthest back in car B, doing 65. I’ll save car C for Mr. Cornbelt, he is between you and car A, doing 57mph or so.
You are coming up from behind, and since you see the need to pass, you signal, change lanes, and speed it up a notch to 70mph or so. Car C sees you in his rear view, but decides to pass car A anyway, so he pulls in to the fast lane, (frequently cutting you off) and then, at the cusp of passing car A, he slows down (yes, he slows down in the fast lane) and matches the speed of car A, apparently to assure himself that he is, indeed going faster than car A. Once that’s been confirmed, car C will slooowly pass A at 57mph, switch to the right lane, (the slow lane) and then accelerate! Typically, he will speed up to 65-70 or so, apparently in a futile attempt to convince you not to pass him. After you pass Mr. C he will resume his 57mph. Crazy.

I’ve been a passive observer to the whole drama, so I pretty sure it’s not my driving style that’s causing Mr. C to act the way he is. I try to be a sane, safe, driver, no matter what other idiots do.

Can you imagine a hundred or so Mr. C’s clogging up the New Jersey Turnpike?

Posted by steel at May 10, 2004 10:25 AM

Please allow me to add to your rant.

It seems to me that people come from all over the world to the D.C. area, and it’s plain to me that wherever the hell they are from, they don’t teach ‘em how to merge onto an on-ramp properly.

Here’s a clue for the clueless, it’s called and acceleration lane for a reason, merging with traffic means that traffic with the right of way shouldn’t have to speed up, brake, or change lanes to avoid colliding with you. If they change lanes when they see you, they are doing it out of courtesy, and it’s not always safe for them to do that for you, so don’t count on it.

It’s really, so bad on the beltway that I’ll forgive those “55’ers” who drive the speed limit, but stay in the second right most lane on a 6 or more lane divided limited access highway. The risk of having someone pass you on the right is less than dealing with those awful mergers.

I also make an exception for I-70 eastbound, in Frederick, MD. I-70 drops from 65 to 55 as it passes through Frederick, but it’s only 2 lanes, eastbound. You end up with 2 distinct types of pigs to get tickets from, (or is it 3 ? State, County, and City) and people who come off some admittedly short on-ramps, and cut on to the interstate, in front of you, doing 40 mpg! After a few near rear ends, excuse me if I navigate this death trap at a few miles above the speed limit, in the fast lane. I’ll get over after we are clear of Frederick.

Posted by steel at May 10, 2004 10:27 AM


Posted by generic synthroid at August 16, 2006 03:19 PM

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