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Oh, the Hypocrisy

Those who know me are aware that I don't like the current batch of Republicans OR Democrats, but it's always good to know that it is possible to recognize the hypocrisy from within the party.

In short, the Republicans have become the very picture of the arrogance and trappings of power that they defeated in 1994. Perhaps a decade or so in the minority will help them rediscover their principles.

Radly Balko supports this assertion with an exhaustive list how just how exactly the current Republican-controlled government is betraying the supposed values of the party.

That simple credo is nowhere to be found at the GOP's national site. That is a complex mish-mash that is boring and of no interest too me. Frankly, I think it's far too much for the typical voter to absorb anyway. The fact that they require so much verbage and complexity in their platform is an obvious sign that they are over-reaching. Too bad politicians are incapable of seeing the obvious.

Both of the major parties seem to be betraying their own ideals. I can only hope that one or both will experience a loss of support or, in the best possible world, a complete implosion, clearing the way for some new blood.

Posted by nicole at April 20, 2004 11:07 AM
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