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Iraq As a Plan Within a Plan

I think that part of the strategy for Iraq has always been to draw the Al Queda people out of Saudi Arabia, where we can get at them. Thus, I particularly agree with this bit of an OpEd at the New York Post:

>On the contrary. We've taken the War Against Terror to our enemies. It's far better to draw the terrorists out of their holes in the Middle East, where we don't have to read them their rights, than to wait for them to show up in Manhattan again.

While I really don't believe that the Bushies have forgotten how many of the 9/11 hijackers were Saudis, I suspect the chuminess of the House of Saud and the Bush Sr. may prevent any kind of direct attack on certain terrorists.

I just hope they have some fucking plan for dealing with the Saudi complicity in 9/11. Our liberty was lessened by the attacks, thanks to this administration, and if that was for nothing, I will be disgusted.

Posted by nicole at August 21, 2003 08:17 PM
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