While this [link requires free registration] is coming from the Congress, I'm sure the prez will rubber stamp it since he seems to be a Protectionist, despite vigorous campaigning to the contrary in 2000.
I think it's disgusting that we are going to use what amounts to a trade sanction on the Philippines to *supposedly* give people better jobs in countries that grow drugs. This will, without a doubt, punish Philippinos and will almost certainly make no difference at all in who choses a career in the drug trade in Ecuador and Columbia.
Shouldn't it be abundantly clear that we can't save the world from the dangers of drugs? We can't even save ourselves, so what *are* we thinking trying to manipulate the behavior of people in other countries? We surely cannot save the world from drugs and "terrah" at the same time.
Man, I am really turning out to hate this administration. Except for Rumsfeld. I like him.
Yah. Bush is no free-trader - he's burning tax dollars on the RIDICULOUS farm bill as well as giving a big wet kiss to the steel industry via the tariffs. I didn't vote for him, but I gotta say that his economics really do make no sense, except in the "getting a lot of tax dollars for my corporate sponsors" sort of way. Ick.
Posted by Andrew at May 24, 2002 04:07 PM