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Rausch Gap Shelter

4.6 official miles hiked, 5:45-7:45

I hiked in from Swatara Gap, and within 5 minutes on the trail, my feet were soaked due to a bad judgement call. There was a stream with a missing bridge and a rock path across. The rocks had water running over them, but I thought it was only an inch or so deep. Did I take off my shoes? No. NO. I did not. I suppose I should be grateful I didn't fall in, but in short, the water was high enough to come in over my boot laces. Damn it.

Two hours later, I missed the turn off for the shelter. That's never happened before but, but I was SOBO and it seems that, default direction or not (it's supposed to be ME to GA, not vice-versa), trail associations hate southbounders. When I say I missed it, I mean I missed it by a mile, literally, and had to go back and look for it. It is clearly marked for Northbounders, of course.

I also slept in the shelter, which I almost never do. I got here, and it was quite dark, and the only good tent pad was taken by a family that brought a sledge to pound stakes, if that tells you anything. And pound they did.

The shelter people were already in bed at 8:30pm, but by coincidence, I KNEW one of them from War Spur Shelter, Candy, a German guy who's been living in rural Georgia for two years before this. As always, 'packers made room for the lone girl. They always do, but I only rarely ask.

No MICE! I can't believe it. Candy proved his trail name by eating PopTarts and a Mars bar for breakfast. I grossed him out by eating ramen noodles. :)

Posted by nicole at May 13, 2002 05:47 PM
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