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Anti-Peanut People. Again

Between 1990 and 2000, there were eight deaths from food allergies among children aged 0-15 years (incidence of 0.006 deaths per 100,000 children per year), four of whom died from an allergy to milk. There were no deaths from peanut allergy in children under 13 years.

None. For 10 years. I think we have this peanut allergy thing licked.

Maybe people like Jane Brody [link requires free registration] should get on with their lives and find some new thing to bitch about.

Maybe this time they can pick something that's actually dangerous to more than the tiny, tiny number of people who are misfortunate enough to be allergic to peanuts.

Posted by nicole at May 08, 2002 11:04 AM

Here's how this likely works:

The only people who feel strongly about this issue are people who have said allergy or parents of children with the same. Obviously for this group this *is* an important issue, though for society at large it would seem not. However you're not going to find any public official with the nerve to point this out.

Yet another reason to work toward my regency, I won't stand for this sort of idiocy.

Posted by RRP at May 8, 2002 01:10 PM

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