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War Spur Shelter

15.7 miles hiked between 8am and 7:15pm

Today I finished the climb to the summit of Sinking Creek Mountain (about 400'), traversed that bumpy ridge full of slanting rocks, descended (steeply!) to Sinking Creek, crossed the John's Creek Valley (which was hilly), summited Kelly Knob and finished up at War Spur Shelter, which had a water source and setting much like Laurel Creek Shelter. It doesn't sound like that much, but it involved climbing 2600'.

It did not rain enough to make me sorry I left the shelter. Actually, it's raining right now. I might have opted for the shelter tonight (though I'd have no doubt been sorry because of the evil, ever-present mice), but it's full to overflowing.

Today was rough for me. The footing on Sinking Creek Mountain was awful, but the goats were cool. They aren't wild mountain goats, they are feral goats that have survived quite well on this mountain for at least a decade. I was jealous of their ability to move on the slanted rocks of doom. They seem to have no fear of people. I saw a male lounging on a rock, and then a female trotted up to join him. Worse than that, I kept clambering over rocks and tearing up my legs on brambles only to find that I'd lost the trail...again.

Note to ATC: There are not enough blazes for Southbounders on this mountain. I thought the default direction of the trail was SOUTH!?

After Sinking Creek Mountain, I had lunch in the open field on the other slope of the Sinking Creek Valley with gorgeous views. After that, I started to feel really lousy -- nauseated and abnormally tired. I'm even a bit nauseated right now. It sucks, and I sincerely hope I feel better tomorrow. I felt...off yesterday, but nowhere near as bad as I felt today.

I ate dinner at Laurel Creek Shelter (I eat early) and then I hiked here. Kelly Knob has an incredible view, but w/o a panoramic camera, I didn't think I could capture it.

Man, am I tired. And I'll be packing a wet tent tomorrow too. I can hardly wait.

Posted by nicole at April 21, 2002 01:23 PM
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