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Heh heh...she said 'schloss'

March 23, 2002 ~ Big Schloss, 5 miles rt, 1500' climb

I had originally been planning to take the truck to a fairly inaccessible trail head, but we wound up driving a different vehicle out to the country, so I need something paved. I decided to look for a trailhead that I had previously found looking for *another* trailhead in the GWNF. The trailhead I wanted was for the Bucktail Trail (just barely over the WV line, near Perry). I did not find it, because, as usual, my map was misleading. Maps intended for hiking tend to not be ideal for driving, but maps for driving are not helpful in finding Forest Service roads...

After I realized I'd missed the trailhead, I decided that I would simply park at Wolf Gap and hike up Mill Mountain. Today, I decided, I would finally hike all the way up to Big Schloss (Schloss means castle in German, BTW). Every other time I've been at the bottom of that spur, there's been some reason why I couldn't go up or wasn't interested in going up. It's a very rocky trail, and I wouldn't do it with a backpack, for those of you who haven't been. The views are remarkable, however, and it makes for an excellent day hike. The link above describes much of what the area is like, and has a nice picture from Big Schloss itself.

Once I got up there, it was incredibly cold and windy -- it had been quite pleasant at the trailhead for the Mill Mountain Trail. I found a warm rock on the eastern face out of the wind and enjoyed a snack. I realized that I knew exactly what I was looking at and could figure out exactly where I'd hiked on the mountin overyonder -- Little Sluice. The summit itself has a bridge across a large fissure and then there are many rocks to clamber about on, all of which drop off many, many feet down. This is not for those who hate or fear heights!

I found it to be very like Dragon's Tooth, when all was said and done, but it's a much closer drive. In the future, I will explore the County Line/Tuscarora Trail that continues north where Mill Mtn becomes Great North Mtn.

Posted by nicole at March 31, 2002 01:11 PM
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