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News anchors have become “on-air” personalities, non-news, (such as what to buy your significant other for the holiday season), gets equal billing with stories on foreign policy, and the whole mess is packaged in tiny, out-of-context parcels that are hurled at the consuming public like a game of dodge-ball played by a frenetic team of speed freaks.

Ms. Schiffler got that right.

I can barely stand to watch any TV news anymore. I like some of the Sunday shows (now that I think about it, just the McGlaughlin Group, really), but the all-news networks, the network news and the local affiliates are all just incredibly boring. They actually manage to make what's going on around us boring. You're never going to see anything different from network to network, and depth is sorely missed across the news spectrum.

Posted by nicole at March 26, 2002 10:38 PM
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