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Fucking Breeders

I think what scares me the most is that I will turn into one of these people. Last night at the grocery store, I wanted to swat this couple for being so in the way and so oblivious. I know why they need the SUV -- it's to have somewhere to put that fucking land yacht of a stroller. In addition to the people who blocked aisles repeatedly, we also had some 3-year-old (I'm guessing) under foot whining egregiously (literally whining) whenever dad was around. No matter where that kid was he was either annoying or in the way.

Today I have arrived at work (in the pouring rain) to find that the last primo parking spaces in our lot are now labeled "Parking Reserved for Expectant Mothers." Two of three spots were empty.

This is very sweet, I'm sure, but did anyone even consider that this building is a NOC and has and 10:1 ratio of men to women in it? It's comical out there right now. Seven of the ten handicapped spaces are empty. Two out of three "Expectant Mother" spaces are empty (and a newish Expedition is in the one that's taken), and the motorcycle parking area is empty (this is about 5 parking spaces carved out of the best parking area), and still the rain pours down.

Of course, the motorcycle parking might be a mass-transit system, and we probably have enough obese people to fill up the handicapped spots, if they decide to apply for the tags.

I suppose this would normally provoke a mere eyeroll, but after last night, I have a grudge. One should also be aware that this is the first day this week that I have driven to work, having chosen to walk the two miles on the other days. It's not laziness, I swear. I just can't handle all the "children are our future" shit any more. Children are not as valuable to society as adults are. Potential is not earnings power and is not productive. Get over yourselves already. Anyone with the right functioning equipment can have children -- it's not even a notable thing to do and YOU ARE NOT SPECIAL.

OK. I feel a little better now.

Posted by nicole at January 24, 2002 10:41 AM
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