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Atkins to Big Walker Mtn./Tilson Gap

8.2 miles hiked between 2pm and 6pm on 4/9/2004

Dry camping up here. It's been miles since I saw a viable campsite, and now I've reached this nice flat saddle where I can watch the sunset [and as it turns out, the sunrise, but that didn't occur to me then.] I didn't see another hiker today. That's quite a shock since it's a semi-holiday (Good Friday 4/9/2004) and a perfect sunny day for hiking.

I would have stayed at Davis Path Shelter, but because of some serendipity with my shuttle, I got there @ 2:30pm, too early to stay for so many hours with the water I had. It's a nice shelter with a very nice new privy, but alas, no water source. I read the register, and it seemed to be all people passing through and not sleeping there. The next shelter is 11 miles, and I couldn't possibly make that by dark, so here I am. The ground is pristine and the duff nice and soft here. That's more comfortable than a shelter floor, anyway.

Here I am at the site of Davis Fancy

And here's the marker for Davis Fancy. It's a pretty walk across low hills and green pastures.

And then it went up. Here is a picture from the bottom of the mountain after I hiked down in the morning. The arrow points to the approximate location of my campsite on the ridge of Big Walker Mountain.

This arrow points to the same place, but I took this picture after I hiked over all those mountains in between me and Tilson Gap.

Here's my set up, as it was on Big Walker Mtn. Yes, I take Pringles on a regular basis. They go with the sandwiches.

Posted by nicole at January 30, 2004 09:53 PM
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