7/14/1999 ~ Brink Rd Shelter (14.2 miles hiked)
Today was difficult again, but only because of the footing. There were incredible views from Rattlesnake Mountain, so the effort was rewarded. There was one climb up a nearly vertical rock face, but I found it pretty fun. I think this whole hiking thing may be warping my judgement.
I ran into Peaceful Warrior today, and I hadn't seen him since Maryland. He's here also along with Chile, Drop Out, Bandit and a guy whose name I can't recall. I think some kids may have just arrived. I hope they are really tired because I sure am. I saw probably 60 kids today. There were a bunch of youth groups out hiking today, for some reason unknown to me.
I'd like to hang out with these guys for a while, but I'm too tired and the skeeters here are a bit overwhelming. It's just growing dark, and I can see at least six of them on the outside of my tent fly. There are so many that I can hear them buzzing.
This shelter has a bear box, so hopefully that will be sufficient protection from the bruins. This shelter also has a nice spring that's still running. I'm told this may be the last one I'll see for a while.