25 June 2001 ~ Pickle Branch Shelter ~ a mile or two
We started at 5pm, and we stopped here for two reasons: 1) no water for 10 miles after the shelter 2) a trail relocation which opened June 23 made the shelter .25 from the trail instead of .5 COLOR="#000000" FACE="Arial" >[1]
The shelter is in a very nice setting. There are three other hikers here (all thru hikers): a couple of girls named Tiger Cakes and Gruff and their dogs Toby and Isabelle and an older guy named Little Suitcase. All are quite nice. The girl's dogs are exceptionally well mannered. They don't seem to need leashes, they are quiet and they leave everyone the hell alone unless invited over for an ear scratching.
Everyone is tenting because the bugs are so bad. Rob (aka Wisconsin Rob), bless him, brought some rye, which is mighty nice for sipping.
>[1] This is because the relocation actually made the trail longer and incorporated part of the former blue blaze to the shelter including additional climbing and descending. We didn't figure this out until the next day.