4/17/2003 ~ 5 miles hiked
I just made it in here by dark, and I thought I was the last hiker in. Del dropped me off at about 5:30, which was reasonably on time. Del is a sweet guy, but he's not always on time. Another guy came even later than me, as it turns out. He had felt unwelcome at the previous shelter, Wilson Creek, I think, and had hiked here in the dark.
There is a crew of four here, plus one woman and the late guy. That's the six for the shelter, which works out well for everyone, since I pitch my tent. Oddly, the only surface that's flat is actually pea gravel.
Everyone here is very friendly.
It was more comfortable than you would think, the pea gravel, but Jeebus, was I cold.
Note: I wrote all these trip entries well after the fact. I seem to have lost my notes, but reviewing maps and guides has refreshed my memory. I've lost the names to disorganization, unfortunately.
Posted by nicole at January 30, 2004 10:02 PM